It has often been said that every medium is a psychic, but not every psychic is a medium. As mediums are also psychics they are able to provide both types of reading to their clients in the same session. That sounds a bit complex doesn't it, so let's unpack the concept a little.
In simple terms,Ā a psychic is able to connect with the sitter's energy field, spirit guides or higher self, and intuitively receive information about that person's past, present and futureĀ to provide guidance, inspiration or strategies for dealing with identified life challenges. Often psychics will use divination tools such as tarot cards, runes, photo reading, psychometry or numerology toĀ stimulate and strengthen their connection with spirit.
A medium, on the other hand, is a psychic who has enhanced their extrasensory perception and can communicate directly with the sitter's loved ones in spirit, providing detailed evidence to confirm the spirit's identity. The aim of mediumship is not to provide future predictions or analysis of the sitter's life. The intention of a mediumship reading is to provide evidence to the sitter that their deceased loved ones continue to exist but in a different form. Evidence provides comfort, healing, support and closure to sitters and their families.
Debbie is a psychic but has also been blessed with the gift of mediumship. As such, Debbie's readings are blended psychic/mediumship readings, whereĀ a direct connection is made to loved ones in spirit to provide powerful, evidential messages of love and support in addition to honing into areas of the sitter's life to identify areas that require guidance.